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Water Partnership Program
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Objectives: The Bank-Netherlands Water Partnership (BNWP) is a program to improve delivery of water supply and sanitation services to the poor. BNWP enhances performance of World Bank operations in the water supply and sanitation sector and supports a broad sector reform agenda with a strong poverty focus. BNWP supports the international effort to reach the Millennium Development Goals, especially to halve – by 2015 - the proportion of people without access to safe water and basic sanitation.
Activities: The Water Partnership Program (WPP) is a multi-donor initiative launched by the World Bank in 2008. The program is a consolidation and an evolution of the Bank-Netherlands Water Partnership in Water Supply and Sanitation (BNWP) and the Bank-Netherlands Water Partnership Program in Water Resources (BNWPP). By addressing the water sector as a whole and by reinforcing the actions of all participating donors, the WPP provides improved realignment and restructuring through a multi-donor trust fund. The Program is administered by the World Bank’s Water Anchor Unit (ETWWA) of the Department of Energy, Transport and Water (ETW), with oversight from the Water Sector Board.
Le Manuel de l'initiative de lavage des mains

(The Handwashing Handbook: A Guide for Developing a Hygiene Promotion Program to Increase Handwashing with Soap) Guide de préparation d'un programme de promotion du lavage des mains au savon livre ; 92 pages | Nov 2005
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